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Improving Pay per Click ROI (Return on Investment)

If you feel like that your spending too much money on your pay per clicks then we can help. If you spend less than $500 / month (total) in your pay per click ad budget then please see our Optimize program Program. << Click Here >>

Need to start a pay per click program, we can help you do that as well. Click for details.

This program is based and priced according to how much money that we can save you on your pay per click program, while still maintaining (or even increase) the profit you're making from the program.

This program last for six months. We do the ground work during the first month of the program.

  • First thing we do is find out the following about your current program. Amount spent, sales, current ROI.
  • We then work on tweaking and tracking your campaign.
  • We tweak your ads so that we prequalify the clicks you are getting.
  • We monitor the tweaks daily and modify things as needed.

After the first 30 days we reevaluate the program. We then charge you 25% of the amount your ROI increased. Each month we'll work on improving and any month that we don't improve your numbers, you'll get the next month of work done for free.

Example -

You're spending $1,000.00 a month on your clicks. You make $5,000 profit. Your ROI is $4000.00.

You pay us $500.00 setup fee. This is standard.

After the first month you're spending $1,000.00 and you're making $10,000.00. Your ROI would be $9000.00. Our fee would be 25 % of the improved ROI or $2250.00. For the remaining 5 months of the program the fee would remain the same $2250.00 unless your ROI was less than $9000.00, then the next month would be free. Remember you only pay us 25% of the improvements. If we don't improve your ROI then you owe us nothing except for the set up fee.

Another example.

You're spending $750.00 a month. You're losing money so your ROI is zero. You pay the set up fee of $500.00. After the first month you're spending $500.00, making $1000.00 so your ROI is $500.00. Our fee would be 25 % of the improved ROI or $125.00. For the remaining 5 months of the program the fee would remain the same $125.00 unless your ROI was less than $500.00, then the next month would be free.

After the six months - you can a) choose to continue with a maintenance package or b) do it yourself.

Order the optimization program: Setup Fee - $500.00 - Click Here to Order or give us a call @ 1.606.439.4575.

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Hazard, KY 41702
tel: 606.439.4575
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