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Blitz Promotions

Blitz Ezine # 235 March 1st, 2004
Beginner Business Finances - Learning from your taxes

Note: This is an archived issue. Some links and/or content may be outdated

The Blitz-Promotions News Letter
Issue no. 235, March 1st, 2004

Please Visit Our Sponsors ***************************************************

Check out this great selection of gift packaging supplies for U.S.retailers, organizations, artisans and crafters. We have packaging supplies for Holiday and Everyday needs, including gift bags and boxes, giftwrap, ribbons and bows, tissue papers and more. Check out this site today!

Blitz Comments

As you may have noticed we've redesigned our site and have many new programs and promotion options.

One additional note for the pay per click series we had last month. If you really want to go crazy looking for the best ROI you can increase your bid amount during lunch times (when folks are surfing at work).

In this Issue

- Learning from your taxes.
- Search engine news - Yahoo changes the way they rank sites.
- How to beat burnout.

Food for thought

Seven Character Traits of Successful People
Chris Widener

1. They are hard working. There is no such thing as easy money. Success takes hard work and people who are willing to do it.
2. They are honest. Those who are successful long-term are the honest ones. Dishonest people may get the first sale, but honest people will get all the rest!
3. They persevere. How many success stories will go untold because they never happened? And all because someone quit. Successful people outlast everybody else.
4. They are friendly. Have you noticed that most successful people are friendly and people oriented? This endears them to others and enables them to lead others to accomplish the task.
5. They are lifelong learners. Successful people are people who stretch themselves and grow continually, learning from all areas of life, including from their mistakes.
6. They over-deliver. The old statement of under-promise and over-deliver became famous because it made a lot of people successful, including the richest man in the world - Bill Gates
7. They seek solutions in the face of problems. Problems are opportunities to do the impossible, not just complain. Successful people are the ones who find solutions.

Learning from your taxes

Everyone that you talk to, really hates tax time. Believe it or not there are a lot of things you can learn from your taxes. Now is a great time to take a close look at your business, to make some goals, trim your expenses, and work at making your business more profitable.

++++++ A note ++++++

I am not, nor do I claim to be a tax accountant or expert. These suggestions I make are just that… suggestions. Be sure to ask your tax advisor or accountant before you implement any new tax saving strategy.

Find a nice place (like your kitchen table) and collect the information from this year and last year’s tax returns. Compare your profit/loss between the two years. How did you do…better, worse? If you did better this year take a moment and think about why. Jot some notes down. These are important because if you continue to build your business, it is very important to continue those things that you are doing right. If you had a loss this year, was it less than last year. Great. You’re improving. Again think of the methods you used to improve your bottom line. Even if your loss or income is worse than last year, you can still learn quite a bit. What happened? How can you improve it? (see below for some ideas on doing this)

If your bottom line is worse without a visible reason (buying new equipment, expanding your business etc) then it may be time to rethink your business strategy.

Now is also a great time to make some goals for next year.

1. Make a measurable goal. I will double my profits by next year.

2. Create a plan. I will increase my advertising budget, provide better customer service and create two new avenues of revenue.

3. Rewards. When (positive thinking) I achieve my goal I will take a trip to the Bahamas.

REMEMBER THIS- a goal does you absolutely NO good unless you ACT on it. Now take a closer look at your income and expenses. Follow the steps above and come up with some good goals in these areas.

When reviewing your expenses what are some of the things you spend most of your money on? Is there a way to decrease or save money? One of our major expenses in our business is web hosting. We spend close to $200+ a month hosting our sites and those of our design clients. This is one area that I have learned NOT to try to save money in. I have tried cheaper plans and gotten burned pretty badly. So I will live with the expense knowing that my sites will be up most of the time and if I have a support problem it will be answered promptly.

Now is also a good time to

a) Review your expenses.
b) Think of some ways to generate more income.

Expenses - Saving Money

--> Utilize the customers you already have.

It's a well-known fact that it costs more money to get new customers than it does to try and keep the ones you've already had, and all you have to do is use your existing computer database to find them. If you don’t have a database you can download one that we use (free for a month, from here).

Note you can also check out a couple of past issues on building a database.

Here are some tips how to cut advertising costs and get old customers back:

1. Check how many customers haven't bought anything from your store (or website for the last six months).
2. Send a mailing to the customers that are still on your database that haven't been to your website for the past six months. Offer them a discount.
3. Send a questionnaire and ask the customers why they haven't been to your website for such a long time.
4. Send discount notices, coupons, and current news to all customers (if you don’t have a newsletter, start one).

++ One way to get a discount or note noticed is to send them snail mail.

--> Use E-mail instead of mail (except for some of your discounts as noted above). You will save the cost of postage, paper, envelope, mailing time and get instant delivery! Send messages in the evenings or weekends for further reduced telephone rates and save even more. Find out when your customers have the least amount of email to deal with and send your notes then.

--> Comparison shop for all your needs. If you have been purchasing similar goods from the same vendor for a few months, put your regular order up for bid with the competition is likely you will do better.

-->Negotiate everything including services. You can frequently purchase --> at a discount by merely asking. Always request a discount if you pay cash or intend to pay within 5-10 days.

-->Barter for things you need. You can do it locally with business folks in your area or on the net. Just search Google for some resources.

--> Shop for sales.
This may seem like a no brainer. Here is an instance from our business. We use copy paper in our printer. Normally at Wal-mart it is around $4.00 a pack. Occasionally they have a sell on this paper for $2.50. We buy five packs and just saved ourselves $7.50, not much but it all adds up.

--> Make a list and Buy in Bulk when possible. Target the big expenses. Keep your books up to date and target one expense during the month. Your goal is to find a way to decrease this expense the following (and subsequent) months.

-->Shop the web with shopping bots. The one we use can be found below.

Example- I need a new shredder because mine is worn out (my daughter is the offical office shredder so she actively searches for things to shred). Using this service (we did this last year) I have found the P600 (the exact same brand) priced from $79.95 to $95.83 (don't forget to factor in the shipping and handling costs). Keeping the lowest price in mind, I then call around town to see if I can find a better deal (sometimes I can, sometimes I can’t).

Another way to save some money is to use a credit card that either gives you a rebate or something for free. Make sure that you pay off the debt each month or the interest will make this savings tip void. Example – we use the Shell Mastercard to put all our hosting fees, shop cart fees, and other monthly expenses on it. We then earn free gas as a percentage of the bill. (Last year we earned over $300.00 in free gas).

Know someone that can use this advice. Please feel free to forward it to them.

Increase your Income

1.Focus on your niche. Being all things to all people is not the way to do business on the internet. The narrower your niche the easier it will be to promote and present your niche to folks. Using a cigar shop as an example – do a search on Altavista for cigars. Over 440,000 + sites, lots of competition. Now do one for ‘hand rolled cigars’… 2900 sites. See what I mean? Take a moment to think about your site. Ask some folks to visit. Can they tell what you sell? (if they start with a list, then it is definitely time to focus).

2.Backend opportunities. Now that you have reviewed your niche, you should be thinking of some other products that compliment (or go with) your main product. Let’s pretend for a moment. You have a cigar shop on the web. You have focused your niche on handrolled cigars. Now think for a moment. After your customer purchases your cigar, what might they need? How about humidors, lighters, cutters etc. Get the general idea. You will be more likely to resell these products than trying something totally different.

3.Affiliate programs. Many folks make tons of money by using only referral programs on their site. My suggestion is to incorporate some of these within your niche. Using my wife’s site as an example she gets around $150.00 per quarter by offering relavent magazines to her visitors. The success of this depends on a) make sure it relates to your niche b) make sure that you introduce the link and don’t just rely on a banner. Offer a review of the product or service. Some affiliate programs you can check out can be found below (or use your favorite search engines to find some).

4. Offer Discounts. Send a note (with your newsletter) or email your current clients with a special discount offer. Make sure that it follows the proper ad format, especially in regard to the Act part of it.

5. Offer Referrals. Your first note to your customers after they order something should help them to bring you in customers. This can be through a true affiliate program (you pay them), a discount offer, or just a request for help.

6. Look for Joint Ventures. Getting other people to send you business is the smart way to do business. Since you focused on your niche, now it is time to think and broaden your approach. This will be the start of finding your future partners on the web. Soon we will be digging into this topic with both hands, but here are a few quick notes. Make sure that the JV benefits everyone involved. Start slow and expand as you build trust with each other. Keep an open mind.

7. Create an e-book for your niche. Believe it or not people will pay you for your knowledge. I have recently begun reading a great course on the subject. I will be sure to post the results here first. You can learn more about the course here:

8. Review your site. Sometimes we are too close to our creations and can’t see the forest for the trees. Something that may be perfectly clear to you, may be really hard to understand for yourself. So even if you skip over all the points this week, do this. Get several (10 or so is usually best) folks to visit your site. Get their feedback about it. What did they like, dislike. Was it easy to navigate and understand? Was anything unclear? This feedback (even if brutally honest) will help you build a better site and take advantage of your traffic to make sales.

9. Increase your traffic. Last month’s newsletters focused on getting your site listed well in the search engines. Future issues will focus on other avenues to bring more traffic to your site. More traffic should increase your web sales. If not then see number 8 above.

10. Decrease your expenses. Fewer expenses = more money in your pocket.

Search Engine and Business News

Notes and prospectives on the upcoming search engine wars.
(Note: This article was written before Yahoo dumped Google).

Yahoo, the old superpower of the search engine world is now going to go head to head with the current superpower of the search engines, Google. Uh-Oh, look out, MSN is starting to play the game too! Ok, let me put it simpler, Google is the super search engine, Yahoo is the super directory and MSN, well, MSN is not much currently. Stay tuned though, Bill Gates is stirring the pot.

The speculation is rampant about Google becoming a public company. Google is in discussion with investment banks about possible offerings within the first quarter. If this is true, then get your cheque books ready, and prepare to spend when Google goes live on the stock exchange. It is speculated that it will be one of the biggest events in years on the global exchange. With a possible 1/3rd of the company going up for public investment. What does this mean? Well, unlike other public search engines, Google is all privately owned, which means you don't currently see advertisements on the homepage, etc. Once a public company, just like Yahoo, you may begin to see changes depending on what the public advise. This is exactly why Google has become so popular. It is private and delivers quality results, not quality advertisements. Well, did provide quality results until last November. See the impact. A new look Google that annoys you with a homepage just like Yahoo and MSN. Fight through the rubbish to get to search!

With that in mind, Yahoo over the past year has been conducting its own little monopoly with the purchase of Overture and Inktomi. As Yahoo currently enhance their directory results from Google, it is speculated that once Google go public, as Yahoo already is, then Yahoo are going to drop Google like a hot rock and take up results from their own company assets almost immediately. As Yahoo owns All The Web (ATW), and ATW has the largest web search database, it is unknown whether Yahoo will utilise its own ATW or Inktomi database to provide results to Yahoo search results.

All you had to do was rank well in Google and that transferred to Yahoo with little difference. Ranking well in Google will not have any impact on Yahoo in the near future. If your website is not optimized to perform across this wide range of engines, and included within their results, then your in trouble. Yahoo will utilise Inktomi results as it wishes and sell the results to other engines as currently occurs. The good news is, my customers don't have to worry as my work is never specific to one search engine. I guess that Yahoo paid submissions will once again increase to be listed within their directory. Once officially announced, if Yahoo go with Inktomi, then their price may go up and let the wars begin at Inktomi for rankings.

If Yahoo kicks Google into touch, then guess what? Surprise, surprise, it will also kick Looksmart Australia over the fence from supplying paid sponsored results to them. Yahoo, owning Overture, will utilise Overture results in Australia very soon as they already do in most other countries. Yes, Overture has plans to open in Australia very soon. Hopefully the picture is starting to come together for you.

Here's the left field player, MSN. MSN are starting to play the game with Internet search and pay a little more attention to their search features and services. MSN have been supplied by Inktomi, but wait, MSN now have "MSNBOT" crawling around the web building a substantial database for themselves. Now with MSN releasing some impressive features lately, targeting broadband users, it is anyone's guess what is to come next. I believe that Bill Gates has not bothered before because he's been too busy monopolising world IT and Internet browsing.

Searching the internet is about to get a whole lot more funkier. Good old Bill Gates and his little family, Microsoft, are paying some attention to their own Internet features. Lets see now, Google - "x" Billion dollar company, Yahoo - "xx" Billion dollar company and whoo..... Microsoft, I mean MSN - "x" Trillions of dollars. With Google and Yahoo possibly splitting and Microsoft coming up behind real quick, I somehow think MSN may end up the superpower of search engines in the coming years. Money wins, lets face it. Google can have all the PageRank they want, and Yahoo all the other engines they want, but lets face it, Bills money will buy technology and supremacy if need be.

In conclusion, all those listed with Google will now have to concentrate on Yahoo submissions and ranking to remain listed within Yahoo. You will also need to keep abreast of whatever Microsoft comes up with. No longer will there be one clear winner, but possibly three (3) search engines going head to head to win users. Some SEO's are about to get a real wakeup call.

Australian owned and operated business, performs website optimization, submission and marketing services to the Global community. Catering to best suit most SEO budgets.


As part of not putting your eggs in one basket... Add your site to the new pay per click from Yahoo. This pay per click is based around their shopping sites. Pricing varies by category.


Yahoo dumps Google - just like we said it would.


Is Google Using "Latent Semantic Indexing" ?

What is it?
You can read the report / paper by clicking here.

What is it in English?

This article from Scientific American explains it a little more -

My Opinion - I think this technique is only part of what has been happening lately.


Paypal adds new features, including: Label printing, partial refunds, and now folks can buy without having a paypal account. Details can be found here.

Quick fixes - your email

Making sure that your email gets to where it's going can be really frustrating at times. Use the following tools to help you out.

Check to see if your email (newsletter) will pass the filter test.

Is your IP number on a blacklist - that can cause problems with your newsletter delivery. You can check that out here -

Guest Articles
How To Beat Marketing Burn Out And Disillusionment, An Online Marketer's Occupational Hazard.
(c) 2004 Charles Kangethe

* Once Upon A Time
Many people set out on their Internet Marketing careers full of hope and enthusiasm. However, within a year or two reality sets in and hope turns to disappointment and the enthusiasm wears off. What goes wrong and how can you get back on track ?

* The Wheels Start To Come Off
Ironically, trouble starts with one of the Internet's greatest strengths. Information. Or more precisely information overload. As you research opportunities, so called "experts" tell you "how to do it", "when to do it", "where to do it" and offer you expensive tools and resources to help you do it. You get confused from the widely available advice and your progress suffers from lack of a consistent easy to follow plan. Then just as you're getting your head around the information, your family jump in telling you how you are no longer any fun. They tell you that you spend far too much time at the computer, and they want to know why you aren't earning any money. Feeling their doubts, you start to doubt yourself. But you struggle on, produce your first web site and ask a favourite forum to review it.

Back come the opinions and advice on hundreds of things you must do to improve it. You write your first e-zine, but being your own harshest critic you know it stands improvement so you delay publicising it and getting subscribers until it is just right. It has now been a year or more since you started and you still haven't made any "real" money. Your early hopes and enthusiasm are being seriously tested. You are losing focus and your desire to carry on, to take action seems low. If you recognise this person, start with the basics, and use the following four steps to get back on track.

* Go Back To Basics And Answer The Fundamental Question

Success as an online marketer starts with a simple belief. You must believe in yourself, your talents and know your destiny. It is this belief that will sustain you when the wheels seem to be falling off. From the very beginning you must have goals that drive you onwards. Your goals are derived from the answer to this fundamental question. "What do you want to achieve as an Online Marketer ?"

You must find the one answer to this question, that is :
* Simple - Can be explained in three or less short sentences.
* Clear - Well defined, and unambiguous
* Personal - It must satisfy a deep personal desire and you must strongly believe that you will achieve it.

* Set SMART Goals and Plans

Once you have the answer, you must set long, medium and short-term goals. Your short term goals must be detailed and explicit, your longer term goals can be less detailed , but they must all be SMART.

* Specific - Each goal addresses a single, clear issue.
* Measurable - How will achieving the goal change anything.
* Achievable - Each goal must stretch your abilities, as you reach for it
* Realistic - Each goal must be rooted in real life which is why the starting point is to find the answer above
* Timing - Give yourself deadlines to achieve the goals

Once your goals are defined you must design a plan to achieve them. Plans are the vehicle by which you achieve your goals.

Refer to your goals and plans frequently in order to :
* Ensure you are on track
* Ensure they are still valid
* Give your motivation a boost

* Schedule It And Do It Right

Next, create a schedule of activities, that you must achieve each day of each week. My weekly schedule requires me to write an article each week, update site content, and do more work on creating my own products. My daily schedule involves posting messages on public forums, responding to my e-mail in a structured manner, addressing any customer issues, building my Opt-In list and making time for my family. I use Timesheets lite available from to schedule my daily activity. These daily and weekly tasks are all aligned and geared to helping me achieve my short-term goals. In turn my short term goals are geared to helping me achieve my medium term goals and so on. By setting your schedules in a similar way, you develop discipline, you learn how to pace yourself and you allocate time to all the activities that demand your attention, including most importantly your family. Remember despite your improving self belief you must ask questions when you come up against obstacles. Asking for help early on avoids many lost hours in trial and error, resulting in less frustration.

* Support Networks

Working alone is lonely, and we all need support from people doing the same things, people who understand the issues and problems we are going through. Public forums are a good source of information and answers to questions, but they offer little by way of personal, and immediate support. Support in this context is better if it comes from a small private support group. You can build your own support group either on or offline if you live in a place where there are many other netpreneurs. However for most of us this offline support route is difficult and unrealistic. Hence at Simply easier we will soon be implementing a number of support cells where people will be able to use web cams, and msn to chat and form remote, but practical support networks. For more details check into and look out for the support program announcement.


Burn out and disillusionment with online marketing, are an "occupational hazard" for many marketers. Getting back on the right track requires that you : * Go back to basics and answer the Fundamental question

* Set detailed SMART short, medium long-term goals and plans
* Schedule your daily and weekly activities and align them to your goals
* Find and join, or create small support networks Use these four steps and get back on the right track today.
Charles Kangethe of is a leading new wave Netpreneur and a published author from England. The "Simply Easier" brand name is your guarantee of high value, quality Marketing Products, Services and Resources.

Links you can use -

What is a Google Datacenter -

If you use Google Ad Sense to generate revenue then this charts will be very useful for you.

An excellent tool that compares Yahoo and Google SERPS. Great for doing some research.


Fun and Games

A wonderful place to find out if a video game is appropriate for your child (or not)... great for Moms too.


We ran out of time this month - so next month we'll have two reviews.

Classified Ads

Make sure to visit our sponsors.

Want your ad in this spot for $25.00 for 12 issues. Send me a note and I'll send you the details. Email Us.


Useful links to our site

Find more useful promotion and design articles here -

Check out our archives for issues you may have missed.

Next Issues

April - Buying traffic
May - Increasing visitors to sales.
June - Increasing your profits - decreasing your overhead.
July - Increasing your average sale.
August - Getting ready for the holidays.

Final Thoughts

Spring is just around the corner - if you're like me it couldn't come soon enough. :o)

Tim and Lisa Hamblin
Tisa Enterprises
PO Box 221
Hazard KY 41702


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