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Blitz Ezine # 229 October 6, 2003
Advanced Search Engine Optimization Techniques - Learning from your Competition

Note: This is an archived issue. Some links and/or content may be outdated

The Blitz-Promotions News Letter
Issue no. 229, October 6, 2003
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************ In This Issue **************
Food for thought
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Food for thought

Most successful people have a "can do" attitude. While failure is always a possibility, they don't become fixated on avoiding failure and approach life with an upbeat attitude.
From the article below.

Advanced SEO Techniques.
Dissecting your competition Part 2

This week we'll be continuing to work on learning from your competition.

You should have your spreadsheet from last week. You need to do this for each of your competitors and each of your keywords.

e) Back Links

Using the google tool bar - click the information symbol and then click on the backword links. This shows you how many pages that are linked to their site. Write this number down in the column.

f) Page highlights

Does anything stand out on the page - if so what. Are image tags used. Take a closer look at the meta tags, do they use a comment tag. Anything different about it - jot all that down in the box. How much text is on the page.

g) Anchor text

Using the backword links - click on each of the links - how is their site linked to others. The text we especially want to pay attention to is the clickable portion of the text. Do they always use the same text, do they use different text. Does that text have the keywords that you're working on within it.

h) Keyword positioning

Where are the keywords on the page - list all instances of the keyword(s) - if it is a keyword combination that you're working on then list only instances of the combination. Ctrl - F will be your friend during this exercise since it can easily search the whole page for the words. List each instance of the positioning.

Example -
Title of page - bold,
paragraph 1 - 2 times,
paragraph 2, 3 times, 1 bold and hyperlinked....

Next week we'll start working on your meta tags.

Links you can use -

A nice tutorial site for html.

Stepping Stones to Success
by Bob Osgoodby

The late Norman Vincent Peale was a controversial preacher who burst into public consciousness with his best-selling book, "The Power of Positive Thinking". He felt that ordinary people could become really quite remarkable if they believed in themselves, and if they do, they will find the secret of success.

So many people trying to start a business, don't believe in themselves.  They look for advice from self proclaimed "gurus" and try very little on their own.  Any MLMer will tell you about the power of duplicatable systems.  While much of this is true, and it is not always necessary to re-invent the wheel, many miss a very important point.

A duplicatable system does not demand that you memorize a script. It basically means that you know your product, and have seen what has worked for others, and follow their lead.  If you add your own ingenuity and sales efforts, you will do even better.

If you aren't the creative type, it really is best to follow a tried and true system.  But if you are, you are selling yourself short if you don't branch out and develop some of your own techniques.  If you believe in yourself as well as your product you have a winning combination.

If you look back in history, you will see many examples of ordinary people who have achieved extraordinary results.  Many of the best known people, who have left their mark in the pages of history, failed a number of times on their climb up the ladder. This is not a "history lesson" so we won't go into the specifics, but there is no doubt this is true.

These people all had something in common.  They had self confidence as well as tenacity in achieving their goals, and a sense of fulfillment.  Most successful people have a "can do" attitude. While failure is always a possibility, they don't become fixated on avoiding failure and approach life with an upbeat attitude.

You must however have a goal clearly in mind. This can be referred as a vision of what you want your life to be.  It's like the parent asking their child what they want to be when they grow up.  If you don't have a clear vision as to what you want to be, your odds of success are greatly diminished.  You, and only you, can decide where you want to go on your travel through life.

But you can't sit on the top of a hill and think pleasant thoughts all day. You have to come down to the real world and set your goals and objectives.  You have to set priorities and have a plan to meet them on a regular basis. You must have a plan of action, and follow it. In other words, "plan your work and work your plan". While things come up to delay you at times, you must meet your goals each day. You must be organized, and have a system in place to attain your objectives. Without one, your ship will certainly founder. Excuses don't count.  Leave these behind you. Build your own personal image of success.

Do you spend any time honing your skills?  Community involvement is a great way to do this.  Get out and meet people.  Do some public speaking - anything to allow you to practice your techniques when dealing with people.  Most sales are not product driven.  If people believe in you, you are more than halfway home to making a sale.

If you are fired with enthusiastic ideas and allow them to dominate your thoughts, you will find that new horizons will open.  As long as your enthusiasm lasts, so will new opportunities. Don't wait for the world to beat a path to your door - it won't.  Search out and seek new ventures.

Allow yourself to think outside the boundaries. Remember, failure is merely a stepping stone on your road to success, and if you exercise positive thinking, you will reach your objective.

Did you know that subscribers to Bob Osgoodby's Free Ezine the "Tip of the Day" get a Free Ad for their Business at his Web Site? Great Business and Computer Tips - Monday thru Friday. Instructions on how to place your ad are in the Newsletter. Subscribe at:

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Next issues

(May change according to how long winded we are)

Oct. 13th - Meta Tags
Oct. 20th - Keyword Density
Oct. 27th - Page rank / Links
Nov 3rd - Page highlights
Nov 10th - Header text
Nov 17th - Keyword positioning
Nov 24th - Wrap up.

Dec. - The best of Blitz

Tim and Lisa Hamblin
Tisa Enterprises
PO Box 221
Hazard KY 41702


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